How to copy folder structure but exclude certain files in Windows?

I have a parent folder with hundreds of subfolders containing mainly video files. I would like to replicate its structure 1:1 on another drive, but without copying video files which account for 99% of folder space. Parent folder size is 3TB so copying it and then deleting all video files is not viable solution, it will be too time consuming.

I am using Windows 7

Is it possible in Total Commander?

Using robocopy to duplicate the directory structure

  1. Open the location of the parent folder in file explorer.
  2. Hold shift and right click on empty space in the folder and click "Open command window here".

enter image description here

  1. Type robocopy "parent folder" "G:\parent folder" /E /XF * into the command window. Note: Replace parent folder with the actual name of your folder and replace G: with your actual destination drive letter. Press enter to execute the copy.

Command Explanation:

The command usage is robocopy source destination /E means copy subdirectories, including empty ones, and /XF means exclude files. We have indicated the wild card character * for exclude files in order to exclude all files and only reproduce the directory structure.

Thanks to @Darius for the suggestion.