Az CLI: Cannot run pipeline with runtime parameters

I'm trying to run a pipeline using AZ CLI. I have a simple pipeline:

- name: initials
  displayName: Initials
  type: string

- master

  vmImage: ubuntu-latest

- script: echo ${{ parameters.initials }}
  displayName: Test

And I try to run it using:

az pipelines run --organization <my org> --project <my project> --name <pipeline> --branch <my branch> --debug --variables initials=maim

Then I end up with an error:

ValidationResults":[{“result”:“error”,“message”:"A value for the parameter must be provided

Which is a bit odd since you can tell from the debug that the parameter is being set:

Debug output

It because you need to send parameters and you send variables.

According to this GitHub issue it fixed in a new version:

  1. Need to remove old package first:
az extension remove -n azure-devops
az extension add --source
  1. Initial test looks good:
az login
az pipelines run --help
--parameters : Space separated "name=value" pairs for the parameters you would like to set.
az pipelines run --name "{}" --parameters Param1={Value1}