Dynamically generate subset column names for a dataframe using for loop
Solution 1:
You can do it in base R like this with a bit of help from the lubridate
year_months <- c('2021-12', '2021-11', '2021-10')
curr <- lubridate::ym(year_months)
prev <- curr - months(2L)
mapply(function(x, y) {
format(seq.Date(y, x, by = "month"), "%Y-%m(actual)"),
format(x, "%Y-%m(pred)"),
format(x, "%Y-%m(error)")
}, curr, prev, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
id 2021-10(actual) 2021-11(actual) 2021-12(actual) 2021-12(pred) 2021-12(error)
1 M0000607 8.9 7.3 6.1 6.113632 0.7198461
2 M0000609 15.7 14.8 14.2 14.162432 0.1544640
3 M0000612 5.3 3.1 3.5 3.288373 1.2259926
id 2021-09(actual) 2021-10(actual) 2021-11(actual) 2021-11(pred) 2021-11(error)
1 M0000607 10.3 8.9 7.3 8.352098 1.9981091
2 M0000609 17.3 15.7 14.8 13.973182 0.4143733
3 M0000612 6.4 5.3 3.1 3.164683 0.3420726
id 2021-08(actual) 2021-09(actual) 2021-10(actual) 2021-10(pred) 2021-10(error)
1 M0000607 12.6 10.3 8.9 9.619846 0.9455678
2 M0000609 19.2 17.3 15.7 15.545536 4.8832500
3 M0000612 8.3 6.4 5.3 6.525993 1.2158196
If you want to apply a plot function to the selected dataframe, then
year_months <- c('2021-12', '2021-11', '2021-10')
curr <- lubridate::ym(year_months)
prev <- curr - months(2L)
plots <- mapply(function(x, y) {
format(seq.Date(y, x, by = "month"), "%Y-%m(actual)"),
format(x, "%Y-%m(pred)"),
format(x, "%Y-%m(error)")
}, curr, prev, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
gives you a list of (gg)plots.
Update (to also select last year of the current month). However, you need to ensure that the columns you want to select exist in the dataframe; otherwise, you will get an error.
year_months <- c('2021-12', '2021-11', '2021-10')
curr <- lubridate::ym(year_months)
prev <- curr - months(2L)
mapply(function(x, y) {
format(c(x - lubridate::years(1L), seq.Date(y, x, by = "month")), "%Y-%m(actual)"),
format(x, "%Y-%m(pred)"),
format(x, "%Y-%m(error)")
}, curr, prev, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)