What does write operations (every 4MB, per 10000) mean?

Link: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/pricing/details/storage/data-lake/

Under transaction pricing there is Write operations (every 4MB, per 10000).

What is 10000? And what does every 4MB per 10000 mean?

Transactions are incurred any time you read and write data operations to the service.

Each transaction can consist of maximum size of 4MB data.

So let us assume that you are writing a 8MB data to service - then there will be counted as 2 transactions. Similarly, if one read operation gets 10MB of data. It will be considered as 3 transactions (4+4+2)

So, let us assume that you are writing only data of 256 KB - it will still be considered as a single transaction. (Anything up to 4MB will be considered as 1 transaction.)

Coming back to your question :

enter image description here

As per the above logic, Write operations for 10000 transactions with 4MB as Max data size for each transaction would be Rs. 4.296 for the hot and Rs.8.592 for cold.