Transform count column into number of rows [duplicate]

Using tidyr::uncount you could do:


uncount(df1, nbird) %>% 
  mutate(nbird = 1)
#>   lat  lon nbird
#> 1  35  -96     1
#> 2  35  -96     1
#> 3  40 -101     1
#> 4  40 -101     1
#> 5  40 -101     1
#> 6  40 -101     1
#> 7  42  -97     1
#> 8  42  -97     1

With base R:

df2 <- df1[rep(1:nrow(df1), times = df1$nbird), ] 
df2$nbird <- 1L

#>     lat  lon nbird
#> 1    35  -96     1
#> 1.1  35  -96     1
#> 2    40 -101     1
#> 2.1  40 -101     1
#> 2.2  40 -101     1
#> 2.3  40 -101     1
#> 3    42  -97     1
#> 3.1  42  -97     1