Creating a reference to a hash table element

I suspect this to be an unfortunate side-effect of the way += works on arrays.

When you use += on a fixed-size array, PowerShell replaces the original array with a new (and bigger) array. We can verify that $Pointer.Value no longer references the same array with GetHashCode():

PS C:\> $Tree = @{ Children = @() }
PS C:\> $Pointer = [ref]$Tree.Children
PS C:\> $Tree.Children.GetHashCode() -eq $Pointer.Value.GetHashCode()
PS C:\> $Pointer.Value += "Anything"
PS C:\> $Tree.Children.GetHashCode() -eq $Pointer.Value.GetHashCode()

One way of going about this is to avoid using @() and +=.

You could use a List type instead:

$Tree = @{ TextValue = "main"; Children = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject] }
$Item = @{ TextValue = "sub"; Children = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject] }
$Pointer = [ref] $Tree.Children

To complement Mathias R. Jessen's helpful answer:

  • Indeed, any array is of fixed size and cannot be extended in place (@() creates an empty [object[]] array).

  • += in PowerShell quietly creates a new array, with a copy of all the original elements plus the new one(s), and assigns that to the LHS.

Your use of [ref] is pointless, because $Pointer = $Tree.Children alone is sufficient to copy the reference to the array stored in $Tree.Children.

See bottom section for a discussion of appropriate uses of [ref].

Thus, both $Tree.Children and $Pointer would then contain a reference to the same array, just as $Pointer.Value does in your [ref]-based approach.

Because += creates a new array, however, whatever is on the LHS - be it $Pointer.Value or, without [ref], just $Pointer - simply receives a new reference to the new array, whereas $Tree.Children still points to the old one.

You can verify this by using the direct way to determine whether two variables or expressions "point" to the same instance of a reference type (which all collections are):

PS> [object]::ReferenceEquals($Pointer.Value, $Tree.Children)

Note that [object]::ReferenceEquals() is only applicable to reference types, not value types - variables containing the latter store values directly instead of referencing data stored elsewhere.

Mathias' approach solves your problem by using a [List`1] instance instead of an array, which can be extended in place with its .Add() method, so that the reference stored in $Pointer[.Value] never needs to change and continues to refer to the same list as $Tree.Children.

Regarding your follow-up question: appropriate uses of [ref]:

$Tree2 = @()
$Pointer = [ref] $Tree2

In this case, because [ref] is applied to a variable - as designed - it creates an effective variable alias: $Pointer.Value keeps pointing to whatever $Tree2 contains even if different data is assigned to $Tree2 later (irrespective of whether that data is a value-type or reference-type instance):

PS> $Tree2 = 'Now I am a string.'; $Pointer.Value
Now I am a string.

Also note that the more typical [ref] use case is to pass variables to functions as by-reference parameters.

PS> function foo { param([ref] $vRef) ++$vRef.Value }; $v=1; foo ([ref] $v); $v
2  # value of $v was incremented via $vRef.Value

By contrast, you cannot use [ref] to create such a persistent indirect reference to data, such as the property of an object contained in a variable, and use of [ref] is essentially pointless there:

$Tree2 = @{ prop = 'initial val' }
$Pointer = [ref] $Tree2.prop   # [ref] is pointless here

Later changing $Tree2.prop is not reflected in $Pointer.Value, because $Pointer.Value statically refers to the reference originally stored in $Tree2.prop:

PS> $Tree2.prop = 'later val'; $Pointer.Value
initial val   # $Pointer.Value still points to the *original* data

PowerShell should arguably prevent use of [ref] with anything that is not a variable. However, there is a legitimate - albeit exotic - "off-label" use for [ref], for facilitating updating values in the caller's scope from descendant scopes, as shown in the conceptual about_Ref help topic.