How to convert between volumetric HKUnits?

Solution 1:

According to the link you provided, under Working With Units:

var value = HKQuantity(unit: .fluidOunceUS(), doubleValue: 42)
var convertedValue = value.doubleValue(for: .liter())

Solution 2:

Foundation includes a Measurement structure that allows for a wide variety of unit conversions. For example, to convert from fluid ounces to liters:

let fluidOz = 32.0
let liters = Measurement(value: fluidOz, unit: UnitVolume.fluidOunces).converted(to: .liters).value
print(liters) // 0.946352

let degrees = 45.0
let radians = Measurement(value: degrees, unit: UnitAngle.degrees).converted(to: .radians).value
print(radians) // 0.7853981633974483

In addition to UnitVolume, there is also UnitSpeed, UnitMass, and many more.