How to convert UTF-8 notation to python unicode notation

you are struggling with the representation of something versus its value...

import re
re.sub("u\+([0-9a-f]{4})",lambda m:chr(int(,16)),s)

but for u+00a0 this becomes \xa0

but same with the literal \u00a0

s = "\u00a0"

once you have the proper value as a unicode string you can then encode it to utf8

s = "\xa0"
# b'\xc2\xa0'

so just final answer here

import re
s = "u+00a0"
s2 = re.sub("u\+([0-9a-f]{4})",lambda m:chr(int(,16)),s)
s_bytes = s2.encode('utf8') # b'\xc2\xa0'

You can also use this:

>>> s = 'U+00A0'
>>> s = s.replace('U+', '\\u').encode().decode('unicode_escape').encode()
>>> s