best way to post object with retrofit request

my request is

    "store_id": 1,
  "temp_address" :{
    "lat" : "45.5555555",
    "lng" : "45.5555555",
    "address_description": "test info",
    "address_title" : "test info",
    "address_type" : "test info",
    "address_name" : "test info",

is send request like this

    fun checkOut(
        @Part("store_id") store_id: RequestBody? = null,
        @Part("coupon_code") coupon_code: RequestBody? = null,
        @Part("address_id") address_id: RequestBody? = null,
        @Part("payment_method") payment_method: RequestBody? = null,
        @Part("note") note: RequestBody? = null,
    ): Deferred<Response<DefaultResponse>>

how add temp_address with my request to send this data

Solution 1:

You can just send it all in one object!

suspend fun checkOut(@Body dataModel: DataModel): DefaultResponse?

    class DataModel(
        var storeId: Int? = null,

        var couponCode: String? = null,

        var paymentMethod: String? = null,

        var addressId: Int? = null,

        var tempAddress: TempAddress? = null

    class TempAddress(
        var lat: String? = null,

        var lng: String? = null,

        var addressDescription: String? = null,

        var addressTitle: String? = null,

        var addressType: String? = null,

        var addressName: String? = null