Problems freeing memory in a copy constructor

I have this parent class

class Monster 
    char* nume;
    double hp;
    float* dmgAbilitati;
    int nrAbilitati;

with this copy constructor

Monster(const Monster& src)
        if (nume != nullptr)
            delete[] nume;
        this->nume = new char[strlen(src.nume) + 1];
        strcpy_s(this->nume, strlen(src.nume) + 1, src.nume);
        this->hp = src.hp;
        this->nrAbilitati = src.nrAbilitati;
        if (dmgAbilitati != nullptr)
            delete[] dmgAbilitati;
        this->dmgAbilitati = new float[this->nrAbilitati];
        for (int i = 0; i < this->nrAbilitati; i++)
            this->dmgAbilitati[i] = src.dmgAbilitati[i];

and I am asking if it is mandatory to use these statements

if (nume != nullptr)
            delete[] nume;
if (dmgAbilitati != nullptr)
            delete[] dmgAbilitati;

because I am trying to overload the pre/post-increment operator in this child class

class giantSpider : private Monster
    int durataStun;

const giantSpider operator++(int)
        giantSpider aux(*this);
        return aux;

and it throws an exception like in the image below(sometimes works tho), and if I'm not including those statements, everything is fine.

I am using this constructor to initialize the parameters

Monster(const char* nume, double hp, int nrAbilitati, float* dmgAbilitati)
        if (nume == nullptr)
            throw new exception("Nume invalid!\n");
            this->nume = new char[strlen(nume) + 1];
            strcpy_s(this->nume, strlen(nume) + 1, nume);
        if (hp <= 0)
            throw new exception("Hp invalid!\n");
            this->hp = hp;
        if (nrAbilitati <= 0 && dmgAbilitati == nullptr)
            throw new exception("nrAbilitati invalid sau dmgAbilitati invalid!\n");
            this->nrAbilitati = nrAbilitati;
            this->dmgAbilitati = new float[nrAbilitati];
            for (int i = 0; i < nrAbilitati; i++)
                this->dmgAbilitati[i] = dmgAbilitati[i];

and for the child:

giantSpider(const char* nume, double hp, int nrAbilitati, float* dmgAbilitati, int durataStun)
        :Monster(nume, hp, nrAbilitati, dmgAbilitati)
        if (durataStun <= 0)
            throw new exception("Numar introdus invalid!\n");
            this->durataStun = durataStun;

and this is in main:

float v1[] = { 125,234.22,8643.3 };
giantSpider  g2("Ana", 1000, 3, v1, 3);
cout << g2 << ++g2 << g2++ ;

I have already overloaded the << operator.

Solution 1:

These statements

if (nume != nullptr)
            delete[] nume;
if (dmgAbilitati != nullptr)
            delete[] dmgAbilitati;

do not make a sense because the data members nume and dmgAbilitati are not initialized yet. More precisely neither memory was allocated where they would point to.

So these statements invoke undefined behavior.