Pandas, adjusting the height of a column header?


df = frame.pivot(
    index=["FirstName", "LastName", "Building"],


>>> df
  FirstName LastName   Building  December  November
0      Jack   Yellow  Building2       150       275
1      Jill    Green  Building1       150       150
2      John     Blue  Building1       200       100


Suppose the following dataframe:

>>> df
  FirstName LastName   Building  December  November
0      Jack   Yellow  Building2       150       275
1      Jack   Yellow  Building1       125       175
2      John     Blue   Building       200       100

You can do something like this:

df.loc[df['FirstName'].eq(df['FirstName'].shift()), 'FirstName'] = ''

# Output
  FirstName LastName   Building  December  November
0      Jack   Yellow  Building2       150       275
1             Yellow  Building1       125       175
2      John     Blue   Building       200       100

I checked if the first name of current row is the same than the previous one. If yes, I replace the first name by ''. So when (index 1, Jack) == (index 0, Jack), I set (index 1, Jack) to ''