During an aborted deployment, some instances may have deployed the new application version

I am trying to deploy ASP.NET application to AWS. When I press deploy button I get error

During an aborted deployment, some instances may have deployed the new application version. To ensure all instances are running the same version, re-deploy the appropriate application version.

I have no idea where I made mistake and what's going wrong Any comment ?

You can get this error message if you're trying to deploy source file zip with same name which is already deployed. ZIP FILE NAME not TAG !!!.

You should always deploy source file zip with different name.

Best practice is use version number which is increasing (eg. Project-v2) or something else.

I know the question is quite old, but I had a similiar issue trying to deploy my code from Github via Code Pipeline.

But I solved the problem. It was an error, which happened when composer tried to install PHP version 7.3 while I was running 7.4 on the Elastic Beanstalk.
So a good way to solve other similiar problems is to download the full logs in Elastic Beanstalk and open eb-engine.log and look for similiar errors like mine:

Problem 1 - This package requires php 7.3.* but your PHP version (7.4.4) does not satisfy that >requirement.

2020/05/08 12:38:42.162732 [INFO] Executing cleanup logic

2020/05/08 12:38:42.162814 [INFO] CommandService Response:{"status":"FAILURE","api_version":"1.0","results":[{"status":"FAILURE","msg":"Engine >execution has encountered an error.","returncode":1,"events":[]}]}

That was my error, which stopped the Code Pipeline Deployment process and threw the error. I hope that can help someone.

In my case, I got this error using Code Pipeline and GitHub to deploy Node.js:

2020-12-28 14:39:30 UTC+0900    
During an aborted deployment, some instances may have deployed the new application version. To ensure all instances are running the same version, re-deploy the appropriate application version.
2020-12-28 14:39:29 UTC+0900    
Failed to deploy application.
2020-12-28 14:39:29 UTC+0900    
Encountered AccessDeniedException: User: ..... is not authorized to perform: logs:DescribeLogGroups on resource: arn:aws:logs:ap-northeast-2:...

eventho I got the error the server was updated, so I add the permission for code pipeline to see logs and everything worked fine

to fix that I did:

  1. IAM
  2. Roles
  3. Selected the code pipeline rule
  4. Add AWSElasticBeanstalkFullAccess policy

in my case, it's bug of Microsoft.Powershell.Archive.


I find these message from log file:/var/log/eb-engine.log

An error occurred during execution of command [app-deploy] - [StageJavaApplication]. Stop running the command. Error: Command /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/unzip -q -o /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/app_source_bundle -d /tmp/extracted_app_source_bundle failed with error exit status 1. Stderr:warning:  /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/app_source_bundle appears to use backslashes as path separators

I can deploy successfully zip file - that archived by other program.