Chax with Mac OS X Lion?

Has anybody tried Chax with Mac OS X Lion?

I got it to install perfectly, but I do not see a Chax tab in iChat preferences.

Solution 1:

I've been in communication with the creator of Chax, and no, it doesn't work on Lion (it definitely works in Snow Leopard). He says he's working on it.

His site is here.

Addendum 9-11-11: The main awesomeness of Chax is the ability to auto-accept Screen Shares with certain people in your Buddy List... including yourself. For instance, if you travel with a laptop and suddenly need to get files from your Mac back home, you simply get a second iChat/AIM account for that laptop, set up Chax on the home Mac, set it up to autoaccept the laptop's account, and you can screen share automatically with your home Mac. I've come to completely rely on that weekly for the past couple years.

Solution 2:

If you don't see Chax, it might not be compatible. That said, it really depends on what you intend to use Chax for. I suggest looking up the enhancements in the new iChat and seeing if your needs are covered there.

Solution 3:

you might want to take a look at this. this actually works very well, just like Chax. I love it!