Unable to get Azure Consumption Detail

Currently , the Powershell API to get subscription consumption details only supports Enterprise Subscriptions. There is also a Github Issue for the same.

I tried the same operation on 2 of my subscriptions :

enter image description here

enter image description here

If You run command with debug then you can also see why it is giving bad request :

 Get-AzConsumptionUsageDetail -BillingPeriodName 202202-1 -debug

enter image description here

Update :

As Gokulnath Kumar mentioned , In Pay-as-you-go subscription it seems to work if provide start date and end date with the command as per your Billing Period Start Date and Billing Period End Date like below :

Get-AzConsumptionUsageDetail -StartDate 2021-11-27 -EndDate 2021-12-26