PSQL ordering by 1 column but keeping another column grouped

How do I order a table by one column (i.e. id) while keeping rows grouped together based on another column (i.e. name)?

In my example I would like the query to return rows ordered by id DESC first but maintain grouping the rows by name.


id |   name 
1  | bob
3  | charles
2  | bob
4  | charles
5  | alice
6  | bob
7  | alice
8  | bob

Desired output:

id |   name 
8  | bob
6  | bob
2  | bob
1  | bob
7  | alice
5  | alice
4  | charles
3  | charles

Solution 1:

You can try this:

select * from table_name
order by max(id) over(partition by name) desc, id desc

The names with the biggest max(id) will come first, ordered by id desc.
