How to properly write the values of an array into a JSON file using writeFile in Cypress?
Solution 1:
It's a bit hard to tell for sure from the screenshot, but I think the array has non-standard properties attached (an Array is an object).
Try converting,
const keys = ['Alert', 'Dynamic Elements', 'Frames and Windows', etc]
const output = keys.reduce((acc, item) => {
acc[item] = category[item]
return acc
}, {})
cy.writeFile('cypress/fixtures/actionsName.json', output)
Just looked at your posted code - the problem is as expected, you're attaching the lists to the array as properties. The above should work, or you can clean up the way you gather the lists.
//let category = new Array(); // change this to an object
let category = {};
let actions = new Array();
//Get all action name and store to json
cy.get('.linkbox').each(($category) => {
//Get category name
const text = $category.find('.heading').text();
cy.log("Category: " + text);
//category.push(text); // don't need this
//Get each action name and push to the related category
cy.wrap($category).find('ul li h2').each(($action) => {
const text = $action.text();
cy.log("Action: " + text);
}).then(() => {
category[text] = actions;
actions = [];
}).then(() =>{
//!Only writes the top level array
cy.writeFile('cypress/fixtures/actionsName.json', category);