filedialogue Non-Existent in Tkinter Ver 8.5?

I am trying to use the filedialogue functions included in tkinter to add a File Selection button to my program However, I cannot find the filedialogue within the tkinter module.

Here are a few details of my scenario:

  1. I recently updated to Python 3 and have appropriately corrected my paths, environments, and reinstalled Tkinter using Pip3.
  2. I noticed that my Python 2.7 module is "Tkinter" and my Python 3 is listed "tkinter". However both versions of Tkinter does not have filedialogue anywhere in them.
  3. Inside the Tkinter 8.5. Documentation, it states that the function does exist, so I should be seeing it somewhere.

Did I download the wrong module? :P Unlikely. Am I looking in the wrong place? Below I attached some pictures that include me attempting to download both Tkinter and tkinter as well as screenshots of the contents of the modules. I checked both tkinter and tkinter.Tk's contents for it.

Plz help. I couldn't find many articles on the internet regarding filedialogue not existing, so perhaps it is only on my end? Thanks and God Bless :).

Me reinstalling Tkinter and tkinter. :P; I seem to be up to date.

A Photo showing that "filedialogue" is non-existent.

With python 3, this following syntax has always worked for me

from tkinter import filedialog

directory = filedialog.asksaveasfilename()

Perhaps you are mis-spelling filedialog as per your question