recursive function digits of a positive decimal integer in reverse order c++

Solution 1:

I think this is what your function should be:

void reverse(int number){
    if(number == 0) //base/basic case i.e if number is zero the problem is already solved, nothing to do, so simply return
        cout << number % 10; // print that last digit, e.g 103%10 == 3 
        reverse(number/10); //solve the same problem but with smaller number, i.e make the problem smaller by dividing it by 10,  initially we had 103, now 10 

Solution 2:

You could use following code (if you do not mind striping leading zeros, or you could accumulate chars in string or ostringstream)

unsigned reverse(unsigned n, unsigned acc)
    if (n == 0)
            return acc;
            return reverse(n / 10, (acc * 10) + (n % 10));

unsigned reverse(unsigned n)
    return reverse(n, 0);

Solution 3:

This solution will omit trailing zeroes, because it is literally reversing the content of the integer:

int reverse(int number, int n = 0)
  if (number == 0)
    return n;
    int nextdigit = number%10;
    int nextprefix = n*10+nextdigit;
    return reverse(number/10 ,nextprefix);