Implement an interface with a method signature whose generic parameters extend an interface

Solution 1:

The way the interfaces are defined, you cannot override the method and change its signature, even if LibraryCalculator is a subtype of GenericCalculator. The other answer explains why.

One way to solve that is to parameterize the GenericRunner interface with the calculator type:

public interface GenericRunner<T, A, C extends GenericCalculator<T, A>> {
    T run(C calculator);

public class LibraryRunner<T> implements GenericRunner<T, LibraryAlgorithm, LibraryCalculator<T>> {

    public T run(LibraryCalculator<T> calculator) {


But note that you cannot return an Object in the LibraryRunner method, as it does not match T. If you want to return a specific type like Object (which defeats the purpose of the generic LibraryCalculator), you have to specify it explicitly:

public class LibraryRunner implements GenericRunner<Object, LibraryAlgorithm, LibraryCalculator<Object>> {

    public Object run(LibraryCalculator<Object> calculator) {
        return new Object();


If that's not what you want, then it's up to the user of LibraryRunner to decide which type T should be bound to.

Solution 2:

When you override a method or implement it, you always need to satisfy the condition of the overridden method, for example you should still be able to call with a parameter GenericCalculator. else it wont make sense to write:

LibraryRunner libRunner = new LibraryRunner();
GenericRunner genRunner = libRunner; GenericCalculator<>());

Overriding the exception does work because when you call GenericCalculator.calc you are expecting any exception and calling LibraryCalculator.calc narrow it down to only LibraryException.

you can look on overriding methods as promise more information.