Shift-Insert to paste in Mac OS X?

Solution 1:

Though I have Mac I spend most of the time on a Linux virtual machine.

I really need Shift-Insert to access the selections clipboard.

So I remapped on my linux machine F9 which I rarely use to behave like Insert.

xmodmap -e "keycode 75 = Insert Insert Insert"

Put this in a file that is being load in your window manager startup

So now I can use Shift-F9 to insert.

Solution 2:

Being primarly a Linux guy, I use the Shift-Ins method mostly in the terminal, where Ctrl-V doesn't always work. iTerm2 lets you remap keys.

Preferences -> Keys -> Key Mappings -> +

Then select Paste from the Action list, and click on the Keyboard Shortcut and press Shift-Ins. It will show up as Shift-Help.