Salt tastes salty then water tastes ....?

I want to know what word should I use to describe the taste of water. I always say it tastes nothing to mean that it does not have taste, not sweet, not salty, not spicy, and not sour.

Solution 1:

Water is flavorless.

The word tasteless is fine also, but in some contexts has certain connotations that flavorless does not, for instance tasteless interior decorating or tasteless joke.

Solution 2:

Studies reveal that water tastes like water:

The researchers identified what they call the "three main tastes of water" that can be found if one swigs a great variety of bottled and tap waters. These are "the bitterness of poor mineralised water, the neutral taste (associated with coolness) of water with medium mineralisation and the saltiness and astringency of highly mineralised water."

Solution 3:

Water tastes like whatever minerals or flavorings are dissolved in it. It might taste metallic, or fruity. It might even, metaphorically, taste like a brand new day. When there is salt in it, it triggers those taste buds that respond to salt, and thus it tastes salty. Absent anything else, and simply as a function of the perfect blending of some H and some O, water does not trigger taste buds as far as I know. But I guess one could say it "is refreshing."