Foxit icon picture is missing from Dashboard

I installed Foxit Reader from the Foxi web page. Hear is the link of the Foxi reader. I have a problem, the icon in ubuntu dashboard is there but the picture is missing. When I first installed the picture was there, but suddenly the picture is gone. Please anyone help me. Hear is a picture of the dashboard.

enter image description here

Solution 1:

I too faced a similar problem when installing FoxitReader in Ubuntu 12.04. I dug out a solution by going through the .desktop launcher file.

There will probably be 2 FoxitReader.desktop files on your system.

  1. The global one at /usr/share/applications/FoxitReader.desktop, and
  2. The local one at ~/.local/share/applications/FoxitReader.desktop which overrides the global one

In my case the local file had its Icon pointing to a non-existent png file ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/FoxitReader.png. I just copied the icon file from the /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps directory to the pointed to location with

mkdir -p ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps
cp /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/FoxitReader.png ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps`

and Voila! The icon started showing again.


I just checked and simply setting Icon=FoxitReader as done in the global .desktop file is enough

Solution 2:

Figured it out thanks to krypto07's answer

  1. Open FoxitReader.desktop file by entering sudo -H gedit ~/.local/share/applications/FoxitReader.desktop in terminal (i am using gedit - you might use any text editor)
  2. Here, you will find Icon=/home/<pc name>/.local/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/FoxitReader.png
  3. Give the exact path of the icon/image which you want to display and save it.

Note: you can find icon for foxitreader in the folder named "image" which can be found in the installation folder of it or you can download it or you can display any image which you want to display, you just have to give correct full path of the image.