Firefox 82: tab bar merged into window title bar

I've just updated to Firefox 82 on my Ubuntu 20.04 machine. Immediately it's apparent that the tab bar has been merged into the window title bar. I'm all for saving screen real estate, but as far as I can tell, this change means that the context menu for windows is no longer available. In particular, Move to workspace down I use a lot.

Right-clicking on the title bar only produces the Firefox tab bar context menu, not the window context menu:

enter image description here

Is there a setting that controls this behaviour, or a way to get the window context menu that I haven't been able to find yet?

Solution 1:

If you go into Customize, you can enable the title bar again. It's a checkbox in the lower left corner on the Customize dialogue.

Solution 2:

Firefox uses legacy window decoration, i.e., the classical title bar, which is provided by the window manager. The title bar can be shown or hidden through the Firefox preferences dialog. If you hide it, you loose that right-click window context menu, unfortunately.

To directly have the context menu for windows available, your only option is to enable the title bar. Alternatively, you can still show it using the shortcut key Alt+Space. A shortcut key to directly move a window down is Super+Shift+Arrows. However, this will not send the window away, but take you along with the window to the next workspace.