Selection color of a NavigationLink in List was different in Simulator and Device (SwiftUI)

I have a list with some NavigationLinks as OutlineGroup:

List {
  OutlineGroup(bundle.topics, children: \.children) { topic in
    NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(topic: topic)) {
      Label(, systemImage: topic.children != nil ? "folder" : "doc")

My problem is that the selection color was different on the iPad Air device and the iPad Air simulator. On the simulator, the background color of a selected NavigationLink was gray and the disclosure indicator is still visible.

enter image description here

But on the real iPad Air device, the selection color is blue – the same blue as the disclosure indicator and it wasn't visible on a selected row.

enter image description here

Any idea, why the color is difference? Can I manually set the selection background color?

Add an accentColor(_:) modifier to the list with the color you want to use.

List {
   OutlineGroup(bundle.topics, children: \.children) { topic in
      NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(topic: topic)) {
         Label(, systemImage: topic.children != nil ? "folder" : "doc")

The only problem is accentColor(_:) is getting deprecated. Apple suggests to use tint(_:) but it isn't working. The other option would be to change the asset catalog’s accent color.