Cannot find steam.exe on wine installation

I installed wine through the typical sudo apt-get install wine, then went to WineTricks and installed steam. Steam is working fine for me, but when I go to the folder

~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/

there is no folder Steam.

I want to know how things work, and this is making me uncomfortable. Where in the world is wine putting the steam.exe?

I tried running

wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Steam/Steam.exe

But the result, as expected, was that wine cannot find the file. However, I installed Worms Armageddon off steam, and it put a file on my desktop with the contents

ICONFILE=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam\games\fb638fa31397002929f1466b2cfd757b7dbbb6bc.ico

So wine obviouisly has some notion of Program Files (x86)\Steam


Also, when I run steam uninstaller, there is no listing of "steam" anywhere. However, if I ho to winetricks, click install an app, I see that steam is already checked. I cannot even uninstall it now! I even uninstalled and reinstalled wine, and still can run steam. I am completely lost. I don't even want to install steam anymore, I just want to UNINSTALL it.

Solution 1:

I think Winetricks stores its WINEPREFIX somewhere other than .wine. You would be better off using the command line and run:

wine ~/Downloads/SteamSetup.exe

That has worked for me every time before. Otherwise, you may just want to give up on Steam on Wine fully and run:

sudo apt install steam

If you do this, don't uninstall Wine just yet. There are ways to use Windows games on Linux Steam. You can use Steam Play to install the said game. Go to Library(game name)Set launch options and add this:


If you want to uninstall, I think you can just use:

sudo apt purge winetricks
sudo apt install winetricks

Hope this helps. ✓