Unable to install GRUB in /dev/nvme

I booted from a live usb and installed 15.10 but at the end of the installation process, I get an error:

Unable to install GRUB in /dev/nvme.

Next, it gives the option to change where the bootloader is installed but on pressing OK at this point, grub does nothing. I can't find any information regarding /dev/nvme, only /dev/sda which has always been what I've seen doing linux installations in the past. Why is it /dev/nvme now and how do I fix this? Thanks.

EDIT: It's probably also worth noting that I turned off secure boot and switched from UEFI to legacy because the ubuntu installation kept freezing at the purple loading screen on UEFI mode.

You need to tell the installer to install Grub to /dev/nvme0n1 (at least that's how it shows up on my NUC 5i5RYK with an NVMe drive. However, at least in my case, it appears the installer is broken as I still was not be able to boot into the newly installed system.

However, I did find two methods that fix broken Ubuntu 15.10 boot failure after initial install:

  1. Use the GUI program Boot Repair:

    The default or "Recommended Repair" doesn't work, but I selected the "Advanced Options" and uncheck "SecureBoot" but keep all other default options then follow the instructions, the system correctly boots to the newly installed OS.

    Results available at http://paste.ubuntu.com/14439023/

  2. Install Ubuntu 15.04 first, then upgrade to 15.10. As an alternative to running Boot Repair, I found that if I install 15.04, run all updates:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade

    then run

    sudo do-release-upgrade -d

    then 15.10 will successfully boot.

None of the suggestions worked but I found the solution for me.

When the installer asks how to partition, choose Manual, after that:

  1. Select /dev/nvme0n1, it will ask if it should create a new partition table(only the first time) - accept that.
  2. Select free space and choose to create an EFI boot section(in different tools this could be called differently but all should say EFI), set it to 500 MB(this should be first, before the other partitions inside nvme0n1)
  3. Now partition the rest of the free space, for example setting all of the free space to be root /, ext4(it is recommended to at least set /boot separately).
  4. At the bottom you should see a menu that asks where grub should be installed. Choose /dev/nvme0n1.

Done, it is a very simple setup in reality and you don't need to disable UEFI.

I continually got this error when using the installer's default Erase disk and install Ubuntu (with LVM encryption) option, so instead I selected Something else to customise my partitions with gparted.

I set a sensible enough partition scheme (60GB primary ext4 /, 100GB logical ext4 /home, 10GB swap) and selected the primary partition as the Device for boot loader installation, then it installed without the error.