How to use wildcards with aptitude?

Is there a way to use wildcards with aptitude such as in the following:

sudo apt-get remove openoffice*.* indicates that it's possible via constructs such as ~n<package name> and this is confirmed by the user manual

~n in ~n<package name> is a search pattern for matching package names. It's also possible to match other fields than packages' names, see

Here's an example. Say that you want aptitude to show every package with "redshift" in its name, then you issue

aptitude show ~nredshift

It should be combinable with other aptitude options, such as install and remove, too, e.g. to remove all installed packages with openoffice in their name you issue

sudo aptitude -P remove ~nopenoffice

Make sure to use the -P option when using search patterns to force aptitude to display a prompt before downloading, installing or removing packages (the search pattern might have many matches and you'll want to be prompted before carrying out an action).

One thing that I haven't worked out is how to get the exact functionality of wildcards, e.g. that openoffice* matches every string starting with "openoffice" (~nopenoffice matches any string containing "openoffice"). Maybe a workaround is possible, e.g. to search for installed packages with a certain string in their names and then feed aptitude with their names.

You just put it in quotes:

sudo apt-get remove "openoffice*"

Otherwise the shell would try to match this to the files of your current working directory.

To match strings starting with a package name, prepend a ^ in front of it.
e.g: aptitude search ~n^openoffice