Alternative to Little-Snitch app-firewall?

Solution 1:

Linux application firewalls have not yet caught on and there have been various third party projects that come and go over the years.

Currently the best, IMO, is Leopard Flower

enter image description here

There are detailed instructions on how to install Leopard Flower here

Note: It was written for Ubuntu 10.10

Install dependencies (python-qt4 is for the graphical front end)

sudo apt-get install iptables libnetfilter-queue libnetfilter-conntrack python-qt4

Download the zip file from

Extract the zip file

This will extract a directory, lpfw

Open a terminal and cd into the directory (Assuming it is in ~/Downloads)

cd ~/Downloads/lpfw

Run the program

sudo ./lpfw

See the above link for more detailed instructions as well as more advanced configuration.

Solution 2:

If you are looking for a fresh application (GTK 3), have a look to my application (in heavy development) at

Solution 3:

Some GUI suggestions that maybe fit your needs.

Program Guard allows users of a Linux workstation to control which programs access the Internet, last updated, 2006

Progran Guard

Gufw an interface powered by ufw, last updated, 2012


FireFlier last updated, 2009


Guarddog last updated, 2007.

enter image description here

TuxGuardian last updated, 2006.

enter image description here

InJoy Firewall™ commercial application (offers a 30 day trial version) last updated, 2007.

enter image description here

Solution 4:

anfd is a perl script which does the job, but it is not at all as userfriendly as little snitch. There is a good, but German wiki page. Download the script here and run it with anfd -h to see the following help text:

anfd - Ain't no firewall daemon.

anfd [-D] [-i 'iptables command'] [-x] [-c configfile] [-p pidfile]
anfd -k [-p pidfile]
anfd (-h|-?)

Anfd is a userspace daemon that uses the netfilter-ip_queue mechanism to hinder
specific software from "phoning home". It is not security software but privacy

        -h, -?      : Print this help message.
        -D          : Debug mode - don't detach from terminal and print detailed infos
        -i 'command': Use this iptables command to insert the QUEUE rule.
                      Default: $ipt
        -x          : Dont insert any iptables rule. Admin will take care of that
        -c file     : Use this config file. Default: $default_config
        -p pidfile  : Use this pid file. Default: $pid_file
        -k          : Kill running anfd process.