Return Type Covariance with Smart Pointers

In C++ we can do this:

struct Base
   virtual Base* Clone() const { ... }
   virtual ~Base(){}

struct Derived : Base
   virtual Derived* Clone() const {...} //overrides Base::Clone

However, the following won't do the same trick:

struct Base
   virtual shared_ptr<Base> Clone() const { ... }
   virtual ~Base(){}

struct Derived : Base
   virtual shared_ptr<Derived> Clone() const {...} //hides Base::Clone

In this example Derived::Clone hides Base::Clone rather than overrides it, because the standard says that the return type of an overriding member may change only from reference(or pointer) to base to reference (or pointer) to derived. Is there any clever workaround for this? Of course one could argue that the Clone function should return a plain pointer anyway, but let's forget it for now - this is just an illustratory example. I am looking for a way to enable changing the return type of a virtual function from a smart pointer to Base to a smart pointer to Derived.

Thanks in advance!

Update: My second example indeed doesn't compile, thanks to Iammilind

You can't do it directly, but there are a couple of ways to simulate it, with the help of the Non-Virtual Interface idiom.

Use covariance on raw pointers, and then wrap them

struct Base
   virtual Base* doClone() const { ... }

   shared_ptr<Base> Clone() const { return shared_ptr<Base>(doClone()); }

   virtual ~Base(){}

struct Derived : Base
   virtual Derived* doClone() const { ... }

   shared_ptr<Derived> Clone() const { return shared_ptr<Derived>(doClone()); }

This only works if you actually have a raw pointer to start off with.

Simulate covariance by casting

struct Base
   virtual shared_ptr<Base> doClone() const { ... }

   shared_ptr<Base> Clone() const { return doClone(); }

   virtual ~Base(){}

struct Derived : Base
   virtual shared_ptr<Base> doClone() const { ... }

   shared_ptr<Derived> Clone() const
      { return static_pointer_cast<Derived>(doClone()); }

Here you must make sure that all overrides of Derived::doClone do actually return pointers to Derived or a class derived from it.

In this example Derived::Clone hides Base::Clone rather than overrides it

No, it doesn't hide it. Actually, it's a compilation error.

You cannot override nor hide a virtual function with another function that differs only on return type; so the return type should be the same or covariant, otherwise the program is illegal and hence the error.

So this implies that there is no other way by which we can convert shared_ptr<D> into shared_ptr<B>. The only way is to have B* and D* relationship (which you already ruled out in the question).

There is an improvement on a great answer by @ymett using CRTP technique. That way you needn't worry about forgetting to add a non-virtual function in the Derived.

struct Base
   virtual Base* doClone() const { ... }

   shared_ptr<Base> Clone() const { return shared_ptr<Base>(doClone()); }

   virtual ~Base(){}

template<class T>
struct CRTP_Base : Base
   shared_ptr<T> Clone() const { return shared_ptr<T>(doClone()); }

struct Derived : public CRTP_Base<Derived>
   virtual Derived* doClone() const { ... }