What is it called when you tell the truth in a misleading 'nice' way? [duplicate]

Is there a verb which means the same as "to dumb down" or "to make milder", in relation to an account of something I had witnessed? More specifically, a verb which describes telling your account of something you witnessed in a milder form so as to not scare the other person and "play down" the event.

Solution 1:

If the intent of the eyewitness is to make the event sound less horrifying to the listener, soft-pedal, minimize, or sugar-coat might work.

Solution 2:


to treat or speak of (something) so as to reduce emphasis on its importance, value, strength, etc.: The press has downplayed the president's role in the negotiations.

Another verb is de-emphasize

Solution 3:

Another option is understate.

  1. to state something with less completeness than needed; to minimise or downplay

Solution 4:

People often refer to a sanitized / sanitised account if it omits or downplays sensational, upsetting, or incriminating (to the speaker) details in the events being recounted.

Dumbing down is an informal term for simplification - a completely different concept.

Solution 5:

What about soften?


  1. To make something soft or softer.
  2. To undermine the morale of someone (often soften up).
  3. To make less harsh
    • Having second thoughts, I softened my criticism.
  4. To become soft or softer