How do I disable the touch screen on Windows 8.1 for a Lenovo X220?

I would like to try disabling the touch screen on my Lenovo X220 to diagnose odd mouse jumps. Looking at Lenovo forum answers the way to do this is to 'Go to Control Panel "Pen and Touch" and uncheck "Use your finger for input" on the Touch tab'. However I do not see such a check-box:

screenshot of touch control panel

How do I disable touch?

If you can't disable it through the control panel, you can disable it through the Device Manager.

  • Open a Run dialog (Win + R).

  • Type in: devices.msc and hit Enter.

  • Find this device under Mice and other pointing devices:

Mice and other pointing devices

  • Right Click and choose disable. This should fix your issue.

Disabling touch on Windows 8 on a Lenovo X220 tablet

  1. Control Panel → Hardware and Sound → (Devices and Printers) Device Manager

  2. Human-Interface Devices

  3. Right click on HID Compliant touch screen and choose Disable

  4. You may enable it later by the same way.

HID Compliant touch screen