How to make a Windows User Acount that can not change anything?

Solution 1:

you may want to have a look Faronics DeepFreeze or Windows SteadyState.

These are applications to protect the core operating system and configuration files on a computer by restoring the system back to its original configuration each time the computer restarts.


Steadystate only works for XP & Vista.

Steadystate is free.

DeepFreeze works with all Windows versions (incl. Server).

Solution 2:

I would also recommend using Microsoft's free SteadyState, which works with Windows XP or Vista. According to Paul Thurrott of SuperSite for Windows in Apr 2009, "Microsoft will not be releasing a Windows 7 variant of the Steady State/Shared Computer Toolkit any time soon to compensate. (Guest Mode was based on this technology.) That doesn't mean that one won't happen eventually."

Solution 3:

I would recommend StorageCraft™ ShadowUser™.

StorageCraft technology captures a snapshot of your volume(s) and runs an exact duplicate in a virtual PC or server state. This virtual state, called ShadowMode™, allows the user to use the PC or server as normal, but without premanently writing system changes to the hard drive.

If system changes and folder or files changes occur during a ShadowMode session, then these changes can be automatically or manually committed to the PC or server. If malicious or unwanted changes occur during a ShadowMode session, then they can be discarded with a simple reboot.

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