Find out library version

I would use dpkg -l | grep libnuma1 to get the version.

As an example, I have ran dpkg -l on xterm and you can see that I'm running versoin 278-4 of xterm.

# dpkg -l | grep xterm
ii  lxterminal                            0.1.11-4                           amd64        LXDE terminal emulator
ii  xterm                                 278-4                              amd64        X terminal emulator

You should try

 ldconfig -v | grep libnuma

The file name or contents won't always keep track of the exact version, so you'd typically want to use the packaging system facilities. For Ubuntu, you can either go to, search for your file, and see what version of the package is in your version of Ubuntu.

Or from the command line, you can first search for the name of the associated package using dpkg -S /usr/lib/, which probably returns libnuma1 as the package name. Then run apt-cache showpkg libnuma1 to find the package version. The apt-cache output can be pretty long, but the version should be in the first few lines.