How can I make the following conversion in VLC from the commandline?

Solution 1:

Short answer

vlc -I dummy input.wav ":sout=#transcode{acodec=mpga,ab=192}:std{dst=output.mp3,access=file}" vlc://quit

This will transcode input.wav and save the result in output.mp3. ab=192 is the audio bitrate of the output file.

Long answer

If you want to find out the corresponding command line of a VLC conversion initiated from the GUI, you can do this:

  1. From a terminal/console, start vlc like this vlc -vv
  2. Start a conversion in the VLC GUI as normal.
  3. Scroll back in the console history and find the line starts with qt4 interface debug: Transcode MRL:
  4. The rest of that line contains the corresponding vlc command line parameter.

Note: My version of VLC is 2.1.0-git Rincewind and I'm on Linux...

Solution 2:

I tried following the other answer in windows, but I couldn't get the logging to work correctly on the command line, so here is what I did:


I was able to use VLC's internal logging window to see it:

Open VLC, go to Tools -> Messages

Set Verbosity to 2 (Debug)

Then do your conversion, and everything will be logged in the messages window. Do a search for "sout=#transcode" or "qt4 debug" to find the line with the conversion settings.



Instead of looking at the log, you can view the profile directly. If you want to use custom settings, just create a new profile of the settings you want.

The profiles (custom and built in) are stored in an ini file, located at


for me this is


The profiles are located under the section called



A sample from my file is:

1\Profile-Name=Video - VP80 + Vorbis (Webm)
2\Profile-Name=Video - H.264 + MP3 (TS)

...and there are 22 more. My custom profiles are at the bottom.

Using Windows 7 Ultimate SP1, VLC 2.1.3 Rincewind