Cells show formula, not formula result

Solution 1:

You have "Text"-type formatting chosen.

I believe this has a tendency to "leak over" if adjacent cells have it.
It is an automatic formatting option, but please don't ask me how to turn it off.

Select the cell you have trouble with, then press CTRL+1 (Menu: Format > Cells)
Select "General" (in Excel) or "Category: All, Format: General" (LibreOffice)
... in the dialog that appears.

NOTE: You need to re-edit the cell too... (select the cell, hit F2 and then hit ENTER)

To reset ALL CELLS click the rectangle upper left - above [ 1 ] and left of [ A ] - then reset it the same way as above, the last step is a bit cumbersome :-I .

Solution 2:

I think it's just that "Show formulas" is checked in the auditing pane.
Press CTRL+` and it should revert back

Solution 3:

The way how to reproduce this problem in Excel 2013:

  1. Enter the formula in an empty cell, for example =D2
  2. Change the cell format to Text
  3. Press F2 + Enter

There are several possible workarounds I use for this situation:

  1. First change the cell format from Text to General, then edit the formula, then switch back to Text
  2. Delete the cell content (using Del key) and rewrite the formula text, change formatting to Text.
  3. Write the formula text to another cell and copy the whole cell

There is a thread, that deals with the problem:

If a cell is formatted as text when you enter a formula, and if you then change the format to (for example) General, you'll still see the formula. You have to press F2 then Enter, or enter the formula anew, to see the result.

Solution 4:

This happened to me, but it seems to have something to do with opening an excel 97-2004 (xls) in excel for mac 2011. Once I "saved as" an xls, the formulas were able to calculate.

Solution 5:

This happened to me with Office 2010. Inexplicably, I had the option set to show formulas instead of results for that worksheet. I changed that back. That had no effect. I then had to format the cell and change it from text to general (or number would probably work as I was able to change it to that afterward), then delete what was in the cell, then reenter (I hit the autosum as that happened to be what I was trying to do).