Keep Find bar open across all other tabs in Firefox 25

Previously, the find bar (triggered using Ctrl+F which appears at the bottom) used to stay active across all open tabs with the search term retained. This is no longer the case with Firefox 25.

I have already edited userChrome.css file to restore previous design of the find bar using this and that.

The missing functionality that I seek is:

  1. If I press Ctrl+F keep the find bar open across all tabs until I voluntarily close it, in which case it should close across all other tabs automatically.

  2. To show the same search term across all other open tabs.

Unfortunately, this behavior - which worked very well for many - has been introduced as a bug. Please note that I do not want an add-on as a solution, nor do I want to downgrade Firefox to a previous version.

I have also checked about:config for potential settings but to no avail.

You have to use some Firefox extensions e.g.

  • Hugo
  • Findbar-Tweak
  • GlobalFindBar

But it got a bit less practical