What do you call someone who always needs to be mentally or physically active? [duplicate]

What do you call a person that can't just relax, someone who always needs to be working or taking a class or working out? Someone who can sit still in one place but only if they are working on something (mentally), and if they aren't working on something mentally then they need to be physically doing something, like running errands or working out etc.. BUT the specific person I have in mind is very calm, and patient but they cannot sit around doing nothing because they feel lazy, like time is wasted.

Maybe it would help to point out that there is not a physical drive to do these things, it isn't a energy level but more of a psychological need to do these things. Often this person is somewhat tired and usually doesn't get a full nights sleep due to over them being so busy with everything they try to do.

Solution 1:

There is type-A personality, restless, ADHD, or just hyper.


Three of these terms were originally medical diagnoses.

"Type-A personality" was a theory developed by the cardiologist Meyer Friedman that the behavior of chronically angry and impatient people raises their risk of heart attacks. The underlying theory remains controversial but the phrase and the concept have passed into the popular culture.

"ADHD" stands for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder ("hyper" is just short for "hyperactive"). The disorder itself is a highly controversial diagnosis about the social behavior of children, especially boys, but again the phrase and the concept are now part of the culture, at least partially detached from the medical judgment.

There is a fair amount of controversy in the comments for this answer about the use of "ADHD" as a label for a certain kind of person (the criticism was unleveled against "Type-A" and "hyper", but it would be equally valid).

Without discussing the factual statements, I would advise: give it up. The label for any psychological or social pathology is liable to being appropriated to describe personality quirks that vaguely resemble the problem, e.g. "retarded", "spastic", "schizophrenic", "paranoid", "catatonic", even plain old "crazy". I don't think there is any way to stop the process, and dodging it just puts you on the famous Euphemism Treadmill.