Failed to fetch ... Hash Sum mismatch. tried rm apt/list but didn't work [duplicate]

Solution 1:

If deleting /var/lib/apt/lists/* does not work...
(esp. if you're behind a proxy), fix "Hash Sum Mismatch" like this:

Create file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99fixbadproxy
with this content

Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth 0;
Acquire::http::No-Cache true;
Acquire::BrokenProxy    true;

See also here

Solution 2:

I used to get the same issue with, usually it disappeared after a couple hours, so my guess is that it has something to do with your mirror's synchronisation with the master mirrors (i.e., you are fetching the package list while it is being synchronised). Switching to another mirror made such occurrences much less frequent for me (although they still do happen every now and then), so you may want to try that. (Here is the list of archive mirrors.)