Ubuntu 12.04 not shutting down properly

Solution 1:

By default, the latest ubuntu install (12.04.2, and few others behind) hides messages and shows a nice animated image (splash) in a fancy resolution.

To make sure to view the console and possibly see what's hanging behind that dark screen:

/etc/default/grub (edit & save):

# find line below and put a # in front of it
# and put this one:

Now update grub boot entries with these new defaults:

you@yourmachine:~$ sudo update-grub

And at your next start/shutdown process, you should see message lines with [ OK ] or [ ERROR ] or something wrong following it's title:

* Starting network shares                   [ OK ]
* Starting mysql server                     [ OK ]
* ...later when shutting down...
* Stopping mysql server                     [ OK ]
* Not Stopping something like it should     [    ]

nomodeset: You usually can toggle between the splash screen and the console messages with Esc key, but some video cards or lack of drivers can't handle the mode/capacities the boot process is using. nomodeset ensures it's using basic common capacities and makes sure you see messages (provided you don't press ALT-F1 to F7 during boot/shutdown to view other terminals than the one used for services startup/shutdown).

Edit: You can also try without nomodeset if you run into troubles starting X. GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""

Solution 2:

You can find the logs at /var/log/syslog

Check the logs to get a better understanding of what is happening.

Also, try typing init 0 in the terminal.

Solution 3:

I am somewhat new to Ubuntu 12.04 but I had used other versions of Ubuntu in the past. I have my account plus the guess account for my kids on this computer and if any of the account is logged in when the command to shutdown is given the computer will not even attempt to shutdown. The only way to shut it down if one of the account still logged is by logging out all accounts first and then providing the command from the login screen. I will shut down fine from terminal using the "shutdown -h now" command. Unfortunately I have still much to learn in order to attempt to correct this issue on my own.