Are you allowed to use numbers as table names in MySQL?

Solution 1:

Rules for naming objects, including tables in MySql:

Identifiers may begin with a digit but unless quoted may not consist solely of digits.

So this would be invalid:

 SELECT * FROM 12345;

But the following would be valid:

 SELECT * FROM `12345`;

Or if running in ANSI mode the following would work:

SET @@session.sql_mode=ANSI_QUOTES;
SELECT * FROM "12345";

Solution 2:

as Karim and Steve Weet pointed out, yes, you can, but you'll have to quote them like this:

SELECT * FROM `3516`

Could I suggest perhaps rethinking your script though? Add a prefix: a table named "t3516" won't be as confusing as just "3516".

Also, you could convert the number to just use letters rather than any numbers:

table 0 - t_a
table 1 - t_b
table 2 - t_c
table 25 - t_z
table 26 - t_aa
table 27 - t_ab
... etc