How to dismiss the Windows 8.1 Upgrade banner?

Solution 1:

To disable the message run regedit, go to


and change the value UpgradeAvailable from 1 to 0 or remove the Update KB2885699.

Solution 2:

You can also open the store from the banner, and then close the store without actually downloading the update.

Solution 3:

Here is a powershell snip to make things easier on readers.

Step1) Open Powershell as Administator

Step2) Paste this command.

Set-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup\UpgradeNotification' -Name UpgradeAvailable -Value 0

As always backup the registry before making changes.

FYI, I am not going to write an uninstaller for the update, but that is plausible solution as well.