How can I remove the ssh last login info?

Solution 1:

In addition to /var/log/lastlog, there are 3 files in /var/run and /var/log: utmp, wtmp and btmp, which hold info about current logins (and additional info), historical and failed logins. See for detailed description. You can't edit the files with normal editors, but could erase them.

Solution 2:

In ubuntu, it is found in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

Find the line that says:

PrintLastLog yes

and change to

PrintLastLog no (or add if it doesnt exist)

Don't forget to restart your ssh by writing service ssh restart

Solution 3:

utmp is normally in /var/run, not /var/log. wtmp and btmp are in /var/log.

ssh is not the only program that writes to these three files. If you delete them, as someone suggested, you will break a lot of programs. They are expected to be there. Change the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file, as Cameron Aziz suggested.

You are not the only process in the shell. You are not using a single-tasking operating system. Getting used to working on a true network operating system was one of the hardest mental shifts I have ever made, right up there with using a mainframe and learning calculus. In practical terms, this means that you should never remove a file unless you know exactly what it does in the system.

In order to get a flavor for just how widely some files are used, take a look at lsof and play around with it. Even lsof only tells you what processes are CURRENTLY using your file, it doesn't give you historical data, so be careful.