Windows 10 Password Error with Samba Share

Solution 1:

You can also fix this on the server (Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS) side: In /etc/samba/smb.conf, put:

ntlm auth = true

And it works like a charm.

Solution 2:

if anyone else runs into this problem, my solution was to adjust the security policies on the Windows client.

Run > Secpol.msc

then I set Local Policies > Security Options > Network Security: LAN Manager authentication level to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM'

and the client connects just like before.

Solution 3:

And when you get tired of fighting with Windows and Samba, go here:

It's file sharing over SSH. No need for Samba or trying to get Windows to play nice.

Solution 4:

The accepted answer is correct, and works for Windows 10 Professional and above. However, Windows 10 Home lacks secpol.msc and its easy-to-use interface.

To fix this on Windows 10 Home, navigate to the following key in the registry:


Look for a DWORD value named LmCompatibilityLevel. If it does not exist, create it. Set the value to 5.

After making this change, I was immediately able to access the Samba server without restarting.

Source: Changing LAN Manager Authentication on Windows NT