Better way of saying "Go-to man"?

Does anyone have a suggestion for a gender-neutral alternative to the phrase "Who's the go-to man?" The go-to person feels stylistically awkward.

Solution 1:

How about, "who is the point person"?

Solution 2:

What's wrong with "go-to person"?

I've heard "go-to guy" and "go-to girl". But that assumes you know which it is.

You could say "expert" or "authority" if that fits the context. Or "point of contact" might work.

Solution 3:

Unfortunately, it is common business vernacular to refer to them as the guru of a particular subject.

Solution 4:

Man is gender-neutral here, go ahead and use it for whoever it is.

'One small step ...' (Ok, that was capitalized); 'Man doesn't live by bread alone.' ...

If you change the wording, no one will understand the idiom.

Solution 5:

"Go to man" can mean a few things. If you are looking for a 'better" way to say it that is not ambiguous, here are some examples that define it:

  • The most knowledgeable person about something
  • The person who gets (these/those) things done
  • The single point of contact who has authority to do something