Starts with N ends in O.... means Yes [closed]

Just wondering if there is a word (or pair of words) that starts with N and ends with O and actually means Yes (or roughly yes... some sort of synonym). I thought this might have some humorous applications on occasion. Thanks.

Solution 1:

The most commonly used one that can at least sometimes mean ‘yes’ that I can think of is no problemo.

Solution 2:

Neato, is at least fairly affirmative. "Do you want to go to the party with me?"

I replied,"Neato!"

neato a cool little word that is very enjoyable to say. neato can mean "wow, that was really cool!" or "awesome" or it can just be a neato way to say 'neat'.

Solution 3:

"Nod of assent to" starts with N and ends with O. And, it means yes.

Great question. +1

By the way, "not-no" and "no minus no" should mean yes too, if one were to use logic.

Solution 4:

While the following phrases don't necessarily relay an emphatic yes, they're (imo) clever ways of pretending to say no but actually implying yes, or at least the possibility of a yes.

  • no to saying no
  • not gonna say no
  • not a no
  • not really a no
  • non-no

Solution 5:

'No' itself is often used to imply 'yes'. This is particularly common in Cockney.

Two guys in a bar, absolutely soaked.

Guy1: (severely slurred) D'ya wannanother whisky?

Guy2: (equally slurred) Naaaaaaaaaa (falls off bar-stool)