What is the equivalent word for "flight" when riding a boat instead?

Example: My "flight" is at 2:00 PM.

I am a Filipino, and English is our second language here in the Philippines. We have 7,000+ islands here and travel by boat is very common, yet we don't have an equivalent word for "flight", even in our language. We jokingly just say, "What time is your float?"

I think "voyage" as suggested below is the most fitting. Thank you!

I don't know about your flight but my cruise starts at 2 pm.

Other than cruise, you may also use "voyage" or "sail" to mean a trip by boat or ship.

Sailing, or boat-trip.

You could use "voyage" or "journey" too but I am assuming from your analogy with "flight" that you're looking for something that can only be used in relation to boats.

It's not exactly the same, but you could say something like:

I set sail at 2:00 PM.

We will set sail at 2:00 PM.

To answer the question in your title, the word corresponding to flight is passage. In the text of your question, it seems that you are concerned with the time of departure. In this case, leaves or departs apply equally well to all forms of public transport---by land, sea, or air.