How to set python interpreter in neovim for python language server depending on pyenv / virtualenv

Solution 1:

This is not actually an answer, there is this issue in nvim-lsp where they explore some alternatives, it turns out nvim (or pyright, I don't know exactly) don't respect/load pyenv local .python-version file. An alternative is to use regular venv. Using pyenv shell myvenv before running nvim also works, but it goes against the convenience of .python-version file. Maybe there is a way to load the correct venv with some scripts in bashrc/zshrc/, but again this is not that convenient, IMHO.

EDIT: Found a good solution

There is a simple way to get pyright work with pyenv virtualenvs:

Create pyrightconfig.json file in root directory of your project, and paste the following, relacing USERNAME and MY-VENV with your user and venv, supposing your pyenv is installed in ~/.pyenv. It adds another file beyond .python-version, but its easy and don't mess with your shell configs.

    "venvPath": "/home/USERNAME/.pyenv/versions/",
    "venv": "MY-VENV"

You can check full doc here:

EDIT 2: Checkout this plugin pyenv-pyright I created. With it you can setup pyright to use pyenv venvs with only one command:

pyenv local my-venv
pyenv pyright


pyenv pyright my-venv

This will automatically create/update pyrightconfig.json file with the pyenv virtualenv of your choice. Its a convenient way to overcome neovim+pyright+pyenv virtualenvs setup.