Using Javascript in Excel

I'm currently creating an Excel workbook that runs a Monte Carlo type simulation. The simulator code is currently in Javascript though, and porting entirely to VBA appears to be non-trivial given the team's inexperience with this language. So, I've been able to incorporate the javascript components into a WSC file, which works well. (Simplified example below.)

    Sub Simulate()
        Set ATPSim = GetObject("script:")
        'Set ATPSim = GetObject("script:C:\ATPSim.wsc")
        Dim ParamOne As Integer
        ParamOne = Range("B2").Value
        Dim ParamTwo As Double
        ParamTwo = Range("B3").Value
        Dim ParamThree As Double
        ParamThree = Range("B4").Value
        Range("B1").Value = ATPSim.simulate(ParamOne, ParamTwo, ParamThree)
    End Sub

Unfortunately, this requires me to host the javascript code or rely on unsophisticated users to update the absolute path. Is there a self-contained solution? I'd prefer to keep everything in one .xlsm file which can be e-mailed to the users.

You should be able to host the JS in a COM Component and use WSH to access it.

See the example here: How can I use JavaScript within an Excel macro?