How can I make the onMouseOver function run only once? | Html

I have a code when hovering over the button, it prints a letter on the website. How can I make this hovering happen only once? What I really want to do is hover then the function called a will only be performed once This is the code:

function a(){
document.body.innerHTML += 'uu';
<button onMouseOver="a()">hello world</button>

Solution 1:

Rather than using the onmouseover attribute, attach the handler from Javascript and specify the once option:

let count = 0;

const a = function() {
  document.getElementById('btnTest').innerHTML = `Button hovered ${++count} times`;
  document.body.innerHTML += 'uu';

window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  document.getElementById('btnTest').addEventListener('mouseover', a, {
    once: true
<button id="btnTest">This is the button</button>

EventTarget.addEventListener() - Web APIs | MDN