ajax.googleapis.com stopping my Firefox

Today for some strange reason, Firefox stops working properly because it is trying to fetch something from ajax.googleapis.com.

Is there something I can do to avoid this? Safari and Chrome work just fine.

I tried uninstalling Firebug and clearing the cache.

The only thing that worked was disabling the JavaScript altogether.

This seems to be the culprit link:


What can I do?


I think I have found where the problem is. My proxy is serving one byte at a time the file, so firefox consume it at that peace.

What I don't understand is why Safari and Chrome takes it right away.

What I did last night was, leave the FF open all the night to give him change to load the file, my hope was that I got cached and the next time there was no need to go for it.

Today in the morning, the page load successfully but the page was not cached, because the next request failed the same.

Here's a video showing the problem:

alt text

Solution 1:

The Firefox extension Decentraleyes, created in 2015, replaces CDN resources with local ones. Never tried it myself but looks promising according to the reviews.

Solution 2:

There are some severe Firefox performance issues with some of the Google API's available from ajax.googleapis.com. One, of many, examples is slow or missing characters when typing into Google's own search bar.

I used Adblock Plus to block access to all the Ajax API's from Google'a "http://ajax.googleapis.com/*. This fixed many Firefox Web performance issues. The down side is that some web newer sites may require the Ajax API's to appear or function properly.

Solution 3:

If you don't need it, black hole it in the hosts file by adding ajax.googleapis.com

You might as well take a look at a tutorial and a block list to keep you safe.

It's a good idea to block the connections to your computer from those domains rather than try to block the script of an already established connection.